
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rye Boule

I love the churn dash design on top.
I am pretty jazzed about this bread.  I have tried to make bread like this before and was completely unsuccessful.  Not this time.  It worked.
 I had my doubts though.  I never worked with such a fluid dough before.
 The flavor is amazing. Add a little butter.  I called it my lunch one day.
 I think it has pretty good structure.  I know its not perfect.
Doesnt it look like it is calling your name?
Here is my big blow out on the side. Apparently I did not cut in deep enough on the top.  I think.  What I do know is that I will be making this again.

You know how I usually say, this is easy bread to make.  I encourage you all the time to make bread- its so much easier than you think.  I wont say that with this bread.  It was a PAIN in the neck.  You have to attend to it more regularly than other breads.  It is more liquidy making it a bit of a  challenge to work with.  It also requires a small amount of sourdough.  So you have to have that too.  Having said all that I will say this is one of the best breads I have ever had.  It ranks right up there near the top.

So, if you are up to the challenge, here goes:

If you want to original recipe, please refer to my new favorite bread book- Amy's Bread by Amy Scherber and Toy Kim Dupree; John Wiley and Sons Inc. The recipe is called Organic Miche, page 139.

This recipe here is a largely adapted and truncated version. It is very different that the original because I used what I had on hand.

And in case you didnt know about Wild Yeast- Susan's blog is a fantastic resource for all things bread.  She has collected lots of peoples recipes for bread. There are video how to's and great information all around on her blog.  I really recommend it if you want to learn more about bread.

Rye Boule

1/2 teaspoon dry yeast
3 (257 grams) cups warm water
2/3 cup (165 grams) sour dough starter
4 1/4 cups (635 grams) unbleached flour
1 1/2 cups (200 grams) rye flour
3 tablespoons (23 grams) kosher salt

Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixer.  Add water.  (Since I use instant yeast, I never proof it).  Mix for 1 1/2 minutes on low speed.  Scrap down sides and mix five minutes more.  Cover the bowl with plastic and let rest 10 minutes.

Mix again for two minutes on medium-low speed.  Place dough in oiled bowl and let rise for 30 minutes.

Remove from bowl and five bread a couple turns on an oiled surface.  Fold in from the right, left, top and bottom.  Place smooth side up in bowl and let rise for 30 minutes.

Repeat the previous step and let rise 30 minutes again.

Turn dough out again and this time fold in as above.  Keep working it this time in a circular motion.  At this point you are making a dough ball.  Place back in oiled bowl and let rise for an hour or more.

Thirty minutes before the bread is done rising heat the oven to 480F. Place ice cubes in a loaf pan in oven just before bringing bread in.  I spray the sides of the oven with water when I put the loaf in and quickly cloes the door.  After 20 minutes reduce temperature to 450F. Spray the sides of the interior of the oven again. Bake 50 minutes more.  It may take longer depending on whether or not you use a stone.  The internal temp should be between 190 to 200F.

As hard as it is, cool completely before cutting into it.

Check these videos out:

I love this guy on the left so gracefull forming the dough ball.

Here is another guy with detailed instructions.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to make rye bread about a month ago and was shocked to find out that no grocery store in my area carried rye flour. Sigh. Reality of living in a small town!


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