
Friday, January 24, 2014

Split Pea Soup II

A lot of soup here lately.  I did not make these all this week.  Its been over the past month or so. It sure had been soup weather.  Bitter cold temps.  A bowl of soup just warms you to the bone.  Its one of my favorite meals to make in the winter-  soup, with a nice loaf of bread and a salad.  Love it.  So easy.  And I can prepare it the night before, in the morning, whenever and just reheat before dinner. 

This is a classic, split pea soup.  I hated it as a child.  Hated peas.  Yes, thats all changed.  Except canned peas- I still can't stand them

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2 cups split peas
1 ham bone
2 cups carrots
1 cup onion, minced

1 bay leaf
2 quarts water
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 cup celery

In a soup pot combine split peas, water, bay leaf, one cup onion and a ham bone. Cover and gently simmer for about 30 minutes.  Remove ham bone and cut up any meat that may be in there.  Add carrots, thyme and celery to the pot. Cook for another 30 minutes more. Remove bay leaf and discard before serving.

* I know this may sound strange to some but I dont like really sweet soups so sometimes I add vinegar.  If tomatoes or carrots or whatever makes my soup too sweet, I add in cider vinegar.  Maybe a tablespoon or two, depending.  Its a taste thing.

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