I saw a local coupon on Amazon for a mozzarella making class at a local winery. I told my husband about it and said this would make a great date. He agreed. Though he is not necessarily a foodie, he sure enjoys his mozzarella.
This was one of the best ways to spend an afternoon with a friend or your spouse. We started off the afternoon with a little wine tasting. We picked our bottle of wine. We chose the Pirates Red.
They brought us a wonderful cheese tray. It was beautiful. I wish the mozzarella and prosciutto pinwheels were in the picture- totally a melt in your mouth affair. As wechugged sipped our wine and ate (or rather, my husband ate) our delicious cheese trays, we watched our fearless leader, Lorraine, make some amazing mozzarella. After all was said and done, they made some pizza for us all with our recently made mozzarella.

The milk is heated to about 90 to 100F.

It quickly separates into curds.

What is left behind is whey. By the way, never discard it. It has protein. You can add it to your smoothies or soup.

Here she is pulling out the curds.

After adding in whatever you would like you can begin to knead. Sandy and I kept talking about adding garlic and herbs to ours. Our neighbor Ben was talking about adding raisins. At first we balked, then we thought of what raisins were and thought maybe it would be worth a try. We knew he had too much wine when he suggested Skittles as an addition to the mozzarella.
We had wonderful company at our table, three other couples. The woman next to me, Sandy, was a hoot. I think we might have drove everyone crazy at our table. We laughed nearly the entire time, making jokes. She was Miss Curd, I was Miss Whey. The corny jokes about whey flew around our table (every which whey, really). Such silliness when you arechugging sipping some wine.
We were given a kit to make our own mozzarella. I bought a little extra rennet to make more because I knew I would be making it. More on that later.
Just in case you were wondering, some time before we left I cut myself off from the bottle and startedsipping chugging water...

This was one of the best ways to spend an afternoon with a friend or your spouse. We started off the afternoon with a little wine tasting. We picked our bottle of wine. We chose the Pirates Red.
Jacks Red- Lake Ontario Winery |
They brought us a wonderful cheese tray. It was beautiful. I wish the mozzarella and prosciutto pinwheels were in the picture- totally a melt in your mouth affair. As we
The milk is heated to about 90 to 100F.
It quickly separates into curds.
What is left behind is whey. By the way, never discard it. It has protein. You can add it to your smoothies or soup.
Here she is pulling out the curds.
After adding in whatever you would like you can begin to knead. Sandy and I kept talking about adding garlic and herbs to ours. Our neighbor Ben was talking about adding raisins. At first we balked, then we thought of what raisins were and thought maybe it would be worth a try. We knew he had too much wine when he suggested Skittles as an addition to the mozzarella.
We had wonderful company at our table, three other couples. The woman next to me, Sandy, was a hoot. I think we might have drove everyone crazy at our table. We laughed nearly the entire time, making jokes. She was Miss Curd, I was Miss Whey. The corny jokes about whey flew around our table (every which whey, really). Such silliness when you are
We were given a kit to make our own mozzarella. I bought a little extra rennet to make more because I knew I would be making it. More on that later.
Just in case you were wondering, some time before we left I cut myself off from the bottle and started