Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weight Watcher Wednesday- Chili Con Carne and Beef Lasagna

I am really not a b ig fan of lasagna so it is hard to take my word for it.  I thought it was pretty good.  One of the reasons why I do avoid lasagna is because it is so calorie laden and difficult to guess calories based on portions.  This tidy package wraps it all up and delivers the calories as stated.  So if you crave lasagna this might be a good way to go.

This was good, though a little on the salty side.  This is one meal I probably would never buy - mainly because I find bean dishes so easy to make.  I love experimenting with them.  Sometimes I  come out with winners- sometimes not.

So this wraps up my review of WW prepackaged meals. You know I am not so big on prepackaged but as prepacked meals go, I think these are pretty good. 

Next Wednesday I will begin WW recipes at home.

1 comment:

mely said...

Hello Lori,

Does it also says the calories or just the points?

I would love to see your coming posts.